Thank you for your interest in supporting me! This site is a part of my larger efforts to produce and promote accessible biblical scholarship. My primary source of support for this mission is the regular contributions from supporters like you!
If you are already a PayPal Supporter, Thank You!!! This site wouldn’t be possible without your support, and you’re already doing the most helpful thing you possibly could be! The list later on this page includes other ways you can support me and my scholarship (some at no additional cost to you!).
If you’re not already a PayPal Supporter, I’d highly encourage you to consider becoming one. Using the link below, you can set up a monthly support amount via PayPal. My supporters get access to a special email list where I’ll send exclusive updates and surveys related to my studies.
Other Ways to Support:
If you can’t fit monthly support in your budget, but still want to help (Or, if you’re already a Patreon supporter who wants to know how to help more), here are some additional ways to support me and my work.
- Make a one-time contribution via PayPal
- Use this Amazon link when shopping (Amazon will give me a commission on your purchases at no additional cost to you!)
- Subscribe to my blog updates, and share them with others (form below!)
- Pray for me (okay, this probably should’ve been at the top of the list!)