
Hi, I’m Casey! I hope you don’t mind if I’m a little informal in this section. Don’t worry, the obligatory third-person statement will come later on this page, but I wanted this section to feel more like a personal introduction.

This is my family, I’m the adult on the left with the stunning wife and beautiful children.

I guess I would say that the most significant thing about me, at least as far as this website is concerned, is that I’m an avid learner and communicator at heart. I love learning new things and sharing what I’m learning with others in whatever medium might be available. But my favorite way to communicate is by writing. 

My favorite thing, by far, to learn and communicate about is the Bible! That’s why I’m studying for my Master of Arts in New Testament from Northern Seminary!

So I created this site. It’s a space to reflect on what I’m learning and to share it with you! However, there’s obviously more to me than my reasons for making this site.

I live in Eugene, Oregon, with my beautiful wife, Becca, and our three kids. Andrew (5) is our oldest, Hannah (2) is our middle, and Judah (newborn) is our youngest. We’re followers of Jesus and are part of the Christian community at Grace Community Fellowship.

These are my top 5 strengths according to the CliftonStrengths assessment. For your convenience I’ve placed arrows next to each one that has to do with thinking and learning. ðŸ˜„

I work at Northwest Christian University in Eugene as a Financial Aid Counselor, but ultimately I’d like to become a college professor someday. To that end, I’ll be attending seminary soon to pursue an MA in New Testament (and I’m sure that I’ll be sharing a lot of what I’m learning there on here). 

Some other interesting things about me:

  • love coffee! I usually drink it black, except occasionally during the fall… (#PSL!)
    • …But I’m not a coffee snob. I’ll drink whatever’s being offered, and we usually stock store-brand coffee at home.
  • I read a ton…
    • …But I also count audiobooks, which some avid readers consider “cheating.”
  •  I enjoy the internet…
    • …But I’m a bit of a Luddite in some ways. I read almost entirely hard-copy books, and do most of my writing long-hand with a pen and paper. 
  • I like camping, hiking, swimming, and various outdoorsy activities…
    • …But if I’m honest, sometimes it’s a lot of work and I’d rather stay inside with a good book or a Netflix series.
  • I love inspirational quotes as much as the next fella…
    • …But I usually doubt their attributions unless I have a citation I can check.
  • I really enjoy personality assessments…
    • … But no buts. I’m an Enneagram 5, Meyers-Briggs INFJ, StandOut 2.0 Creator-Advisor, and see above for my top 5 CliftonStrengths
Gotta love that Abe Lincoln wisdom…

And now for the formal bio…

Casey Craigie lives with his wife and three children in Eugene, Oregon, where he works as a Financial Aid Counselor at Northwest Christian University. He loves learning, processing, and communicating new information, which he mostly does at his website caseycraigie.com. He has a Bachelors in Ministry Leadership from New Hope Christian College, and is currently studying for his Master of Arts in New Testament at Northern Seminary.